I put my Cat in a Banana Costume (10 Pics of my Cat in Banana Costume)

Banana Cat
Banana Cat
Banana Cat
Banana Cat
Banana Cat
Banana Cat
Banana Cat
Banana Cat
Banana Cat
Banana Cat
Banana Cat
Banana Cat
Banana Cat
Banana Cat
Banana Cat
Banana Cat
Banana Cat
Banana Cat
Banana Cat
Banana Cat

I bought this costume tonight for my dog, but she wouldn’t hold still to take photos, so I thought well I’ll try it on one of my cats. I had to bribe him with treats, and it was too small, the neck part fit good, but he is fat (or fluffy or both), so the Extra Small costume (for my chihuahua) was much too small around his waist. FYI The waist part is not fastened it’s just laying there under him. I would not force something tight or hurt him at all. It’s only fastened at the neck in which he had plenty of room.

Still hilarity ensued. I promise he didn’t hate it too much despite his “angry” expression. He hated the flash from my camera more than the costume. He was too busy eating treats to even care he was wearing anything lol.

No cats (or bananas) were harmed in the making of these photos and he is not being forced to wear the costume any more or for any length of time (took about 4 minutes to snap a couple photos then I removed the outfit from him) 🙂 And no, he did not scratch, hiss, or try to run away, he was too interested in the treats I kept handing him lol.

I know he looks sad, but he’s stretched out sleeping on his back now, perfectly content and 100% banana free. 🙂

He was hunched down here in these photos because he was eating treats on the blanket; squinting because of flash, if you look at ears, you can see they are not flat back thus he is in a neutral / calm state; although admittedly probably not too happy to have to wear a banana around his neck and have a camera stuck in his face. His hunched and squinting appearance makes him look much more sad or fearful than he actually was at the time. In fact, he kept getting too close to the camera / rubbing against my hand wanting me to give him more treats while I was trying to take these, instead of running or hiding under the bed, etc. So don’t feel too bad for him, he was well “Compensated” for having to be my model for a couple of minutes 🙂

You can click to enlarge any of the images. Hope you get a laugh.

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