What Are Some Of The Best Nerd Dating Websites?

What Are Some Of The Best Nerd Dating Websites?

There’s nothing to be ashamed about loving comic books, video games and reading books. People should have more broad interests other than browsing Instagram and getting hyped up about likes. Reading books enriches your vocabulary and lets your mind wander into the imagination of different authors. Click on the link to find out more details https://www.wikihow.com/Be-Proud-of-Being-a-Nerd.

Moreover, playing video games lets you appreciate the gorgeous graphics and storylines of their creators. And reading comic books makes you enter the mind of some of the most famous superheroes. Therefore, none of these hobbies is lame and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. 

If you have these interests, then you would surely like to meet someone that has them as well. And not just someone, but a potential romantic partner. Some people are lucky to find their special someone by walking into a bar or taking a walk at a park. Others don’t have it as easy. 

That’s why with the beauty of the Internet, you can visit a lot of dating sites and find your special someone there. They don’t have to be the love of your life, but at least you’ll have several options to choose from. That’s the beauty of dating sites. You can easily find someone that has similar interests like you. Here are some of them to try out: 


One of them is Match. All you have to do is create a profile and upload a picture of yourself. Then you can put into your profile all the things you like and dislike. People would be able to check out your profile and see for themselves if you are the right fit. You can do that as well. You can browse through different profiles and select few that have caught your interest.

This will easily find the right girl or guy for you. You can have someone to talk to about all of your passions. This site is not specifically oriented towards nerdy people, but it can still help you choose the right person for you. After all, you don’t have anything to lose.


The second option you can try out is this one. The site basically works as the previous one. You’ll need to create a profile and then put as much information as you can about yourself. It has a convenient mobile app, as well. Click here for more. 

This means that you can wake up in the morning and check your phone immediately to find out if someone is trying to chat with you. The app is available in more than 80 countries and available in 25 languages. One of those countries can easily be yours. So why not give it a shot? You are on the right track of finding someone special. 

Geek Nerd Dating

This website can easily be one of your dreams. If you don’t have luck with the other ones, then create an account on this one and wait for the magic to happen. As the name suggests, the site is designed for all those people that have a similar nerdy interest like you. If this one doesn’t help you find a nerdy cutie, then nothing ever will. How cool it would be to find the person that is basically your soul mate. Once a person checks out your profile and sees a similarity, they will surely reach out to you.

Geeky Friends Date

This one, as the name suggests, is also designed to help out hopeless geeks. You might think that just because you love certain things, that someone would think that you’re a weirdo. However, that’s not the case. If you want to discover more about sites involving people with the same nerdy interests, then check out Dating Throne – nerd sites for more information.

There are lots of individuals in the world that love the same comic books and video games. They just don’t know how to discover you. But you can discover them if you create an account on this profile. A profile with a detailed description of your interests will surely find you the person you are looking for. 

Match Geeks 

Some people don’t look for a serious relationship. They just try to discover someone to spend the night with and never see again. That’s okay as well. But first, you’ll need some sort of connection with this person. If you have nothing in common, then you won’t be attracted to them. 

That’s why Match Geeks allows users to connect with their yet undiscovered potential lovers. You can quickly discover a person there that wants the same thing as you do. A fun night and maybe one or two discussions about Lord of The Rings.

Trek Dating 

Fan of Star Trek? This website has you covered. It is basically invented for those that love reading and watching sci-fi books and movies. On this website, you can easily find someone to talk about your hobbies and passions involving the franchise.  

It is the perfect site for geeky boys and girls that just want to find someone to connect with. This connection, more often than not, turns into a great love story. Don’t be ashamed to create a profile on it and fulfill your love story. If you can’t find the person you’re looking for the old-fashioned way, then try your luck on some of these websites. You would be surprised at how effective they are. 


2 thoughts on “What Are Some Of The Best Nerd Dating Websites?

    1. As a nerd myself, the dating sites definitely made it easier. I was so shy in highschool (before the days of internet for me), I met my first boyfriend when I was 19 because of the internet, we met in an online game. I tried dating sites in the past 10-12 years, and I always made the first contact. – I haven’t had many boyfriends, 4 boyfriends, and a few other people I met, had a few dates with, and it just never went any where, but all of them I have met online, because I can’t picture myself just striking up a conversation in a “bar” not that I go to bars or clubs anyways, or grocery store, or restaurant, or wherever “normal” people are picking up guys/girls these days lol. I always make the “joke” (which is probably true) that if it wasn’t for the internet, I probably would never have had a boyfriend lol. I met my current boyfriend on bumble – a site where girls have to make the first contact, we’ve been together like 2 and a half to almost 3 years now, living together for about 5 or 6 months, we have a great relationship, and the funny thing is I put off the phone apps like bumble or tinder or etc because I thought they were just for casual hookups, but I was getting frustrated with the men I was finding, or not finding, on the “traditional” dating sites, so I figured I’d try it. I’m glad I did. Ever since our first date we spent every weekend together. Dating apps make it easier because it’s like you know that the people on the site want to be contacted. There’s still the risk of rejection, but it takes away like the uncomfortable feeling of like imposing on someone. I think I feel weird in real life, like what if I’m bothering someone, and they’re just being polite and it’s all awkward, but on a dating site, if I’m bothering someone, so what, they can block me, or just ignore my messages. So it allows me to just write to people and get out of my shell more. I still couldn’t picture doing that in real life. I’m chubby, and older now, and just really awkward. I’m like who would want to get to know me, but online I can let my real personality shine, I can chat about video games, or anime, or things that make me unique, things that most girls aren’t really into it, and most guys are like wow, this girl is cool. Actually now that I type that, I realize, I could talk to people in real life about those things, but I dunno why, but it’s just so super hard for me to talk to a stranger face to face. I don’t think I could ever do that. The internet for some reason gives me the confidence to make the first move and feel more at ease, and just be myself.

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