Is There Such A Thing As English Dubbed Korean Dramas KDrama?

The answer is yes. I just watched My Holo Love on Netflix. Hulu also has a lot of subbed and dubbed series that are worth considering. I am in the hospital and stuck with just the smallest iPad so I was checking subtitles to see if I could enlarge them any. That’s when I noticed Audio was listed in about eight different languages. No way I thought to myself as I switched to English audio and turned off the subtitles. It’s not perfect, no but when youre stuck on a small screen its nice. What’s wrong with it? The acting and casting is poor. At least in the one I watched Holo Love. I didn’t like the voice of the main male character in English at all. Not as good as the Korean original actors performances. I also don’t know if it’s been white washed – I didn’t watch the credits – but if so that’s another problem, hiring white actors to perform Asian roles. I dunno if that’s true though but worth pointing out that it’s a possibility.

This got me wondering what other KDrama can you watch in English audio on Netflix? Forget why would anyone want to watch it dubbed. The elitists and purists wouldn’t understand people’s reasonings. My fiancé hates subtitled anything. I have him sort of watching one KDrama series with me but we’re only half way through it and it’s not a long series either. He’ll watch maybe one episode a month with me at best. But if it was in English, even with poor stiff sounding acting, he’d be more likely to watch it with me. Also sometimes I’m multitasking and just want something on in the background, perfect. Whatever people’s reasons it doesn’t matter because you can still watch it in Korean too of course with English subtitles. That’s long been the only way to watch Korean Dramas, until now.

Here’s a list of English Dubbed KDrama

  • My Holo Love
  • Erased
  • Triad Princess
  • My First First Love
  • Extracurricular
  • Tune in for Love
  • The School Nurse Files
  • Love Alarm
  • Girl From Nowhere
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