Best Ways To Soundproof Your House

Best Ways To Soundproof Your House

When people talk about home, we often imagine a place with a quiet and serene environment where someone can relax and ease off their mind, especially after having a long day at work. 

However, this is not what most of us usually find when we get back home. When you stay in a busy neighborhood, you can expect to hear noise coming from various activities outside. 

For instance, there might be some construction work going on just next to your apartment or your neighbor might be a party freak and is always throwing parties every little chance he gets. 

Maybe you are staying next to a busy road and the sound of traffic and pedestrians is always a nuisance to you.  Well, this is what modern life comes with. 

However, if you’re looking to restore some sanity and bring some peace around, you should consider soundproofing your house. With that said, let us look at a few tips that you can use to soundproof your house. You can also check out the Soundproof Pros for more information.

  1. Extra Dry Wall

Since sound always travels as vibrations, you will need to focus on the medium through which it gets transmitted,  in this case your walls. The best way for stopping these vibrations is by using heavy and dense materials. 

Well, using bricks and stones might be a good idea but, since you cannot use them to make interior walls, you will be forced to look for another alternative. This is why you need to use a second layer of drywall. 

It will create a thick barrier that will help to protect you against noise coming from the outside.  Since you cannot go on adding layers of drywall everywhere, you can choose to put them up in noisy rooms or where you want some peace and quietness.

  1. Caulk Sandwich

Adding a layer of drywall alone might not be enough. This is because some vibration might still escape and find their way to your room through the spaces between your layers of drywall.  

For this reason, you can go ahead and use thick beads of acoustic caulk to separate your layers of drywall. The caulk helps by killing the vibrations that try to escape from one layer of the world to the other true the space in between. 

This further reduces the amount of noise that will reach you. See this link to see how you can quieten your house 

  1. Sound Leaks

You can also use other types of acoustic sealant to help from the outside noise.  Just as you would do when having a leaking roof, you also need to identify various spaces and gaps that you think might be allowing  noise through to your house and seal them with your sealant. These include door casings, windows, ceiling fixtures, and switch boxes.

  1. Mass-Loaded Vinyl

These materials are often made specifically for noise control purposes. Mass loaded vinyl is known to be one of the best soundproofing materials one can use.  

It is quite flexible and comes in rolls measuring 4 feet wide. Using it is easier as you only need to hang it on your wall or install it on the floors.  You can also put it in between layers of drywall. 

This material greatly helps in reducing sound vibrations through the walls thus minimizing the amount of noise passing through to you.

  1. Carpets and Rugs

If you didn’t know, carpets, mats and rugs always play an important role other than making our homes look presentable.  

Yes, this is also one of the cheap methods you can use to reduce the amount of noise being transmitted around the house. If you are having a naked large room that is always loud, consider adding a carpet or a rug on the floor. 

This will help to dampen the transmitted noise. You can also use large curtains for the windows.  This will help to make your house feel warm as well. 

  1. Acoustic Panels

You can also absorb sound by using various acoustic panels. They are also good materials as they have the ability to absorb sound even before they bounce off the ceilings and walls. 

You can use them when soundproofing areas such as home-theater rooms since they are also made to enhance the sound within the rooms as well. They are made using porous expanded polypropylene and can be found in various thickness and sizes. 

You can also use them as pieces of art for your walls since the fabrics used to cover them can be custom printed and are always available in different colors. 

  1. STC Ratings

Also known as sound transmission class, this is some sort of writing that will let you know just how effective the material is when it comes to noise minimization. 

It will help you to know by how many decibels the material can reduce the noise levels. Of course, a material that has high STC ratings will be much more effective. 

This is therefore, one of the important things you can consider looking at when shopping for the best soundproofing materials. Click here to see more materials you can use to soundproof your house.


If your son always loves to play with his saxophone in his room, do not be angry with him and tell him to stop just because you need some peace and quietness.  Instead, you can use one of the methods named above and sound your room so as not to be disturbed by the noise coming from your son’s room. This way everyone gets to be happy and everyone wins. If the noise is still persistent, you can seek help from soundproofing professionals and get all your questions answered. 

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