Bookmakers vs. Betfair – Which is a better option and why

When it came to gambling in the UK, high street bookmakers always ruled the industry and this trend kept continuing when sports betting were moved to the internet with some big-shot companies enjoying the bulk of online business. Later on, in the year 200, Betfair betting exchange came into existence and this would in different ways change the entire gambling industry. Since then, bookmakers and Betfair were always engaged in a healthy competition and it can even be safe to say that bookmakers nowadays use some of the best features of Betfair. At the same time, Betfair has even made the move with their sportsbook and hence although there are similarities between the 2, there are few key differences as well. Read on the concerns of this article to know more on the striking differences between bookies and read more

Choosing the best online bookmaker – Few essential factors to consider

If you’re into online betting, you would think that one of the most vital decisions which you have to make is to choose the perfect side of a game or a total of a game. But in reality, the most important decision is that you have to choose an online bookmaker. There are several companies which offer sports betting online and most of them seem to offer the same kind of service. So, the toughest part of your task is how to choose the cream of the crop? How should you differentiate between the good and the bad? If you’re new to sports betting and yet you want to choose the best online bookmaker, here are few factors that you need to consider before you check out this page with an approved list of trusted betting providers. read more

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