Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines Review for PSVita / PSTV

Disclaimer: My review is based on the demo version. Sadly, I’ve yet to play the full version but will update this accordingly (if my views change) once I’ve purchased the full game.

Title: Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines

Genre: RPG

Publisher: Alfa System / Sony

Release Date: March 2015

Where to Buy: $19.99 on Amazon.com

Geeky Factor

Sweetie Factor

Overall: 64/80 80% B- “Very Good Game For Girls”

Concept: 10/10 The concept here is very fun, you can check out what I think of the Gameplay and Customization below which are really the highlights of this game. The concept is that you and all of your ancestors and descendants have been cursed by someone so that they will live a very short life and also never be able to reproduce normally – instead they must reproduce with gods and demons. The game is fast paced and your characters do die quickly which forces you to keep breeding with the gods to make new clan members. You can pass down heirloom armor and the armor gets new powers as it is passed down. Combat is turn based and there is also a city building element to the game. Read on to learn more about each of these features. read more

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