Pokemini is Closing – Join Pokecolo – Guide for English Users

It was not that long ago, that I reviewed Pokemini here, a cute anime dressup game that I’ve been playing for almost 2 years. – It all comes to an end next week as Pokemini will be shutting down. They are encouraging everyone to join Pokecolo – however, there’s one small problem … Pokemini was in English and Pokecolo is in Japanese! Pokecolo also has all kinds of “new” (to Players of Pokemini) features and can be confusing when you first start.

I’m new myself and I do not speak (or read) Japanese. This is just a quick rough guide that I’ve learned the last 2 or 3 days since joining – hope it proves helpful.

#pokecolo is very #kawaii and better than #pokemini except it's in #Japapnese but you can get much #cuter items and even have #pets

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

First, lets take a look at the “main menu” – you’ll be using this a lot! to access it you simply tap on your mini.

Clockwise from top – Cook, Trade, dressup and decorate, travel, shop, fashion show, your profile

Clockwise from top – Cook, Trade, dressup and decorate, travel, shop, fashion show, your profile #pokecolo #dressup #dressupgame #free #game #Japapnese #ios #android #kawaii

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

The other screen that you’ll most frequently use is the shopping screen. The easiest way I’ve found to get there is to simply hit the back button in top left corner while viewing any of the active gacha.

Left to Right: Top Row: Gacha, Clothes, VIP, Stickers
Left to Right 2nd Row: Scratch Card, Dressup, Room, Planet
Left to Right 3rd Row: Pets, Seeds, “Old Man” shop, Gumball Tickets
Left to Right Bottom Row: VIP Room, Market, and Cotton Candy (Duplicate Exchange)

See comments for details #pokecolo #dressup #dressupgame #free #game #Japapnese #ios #android #kawaii

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

So as you can imagine, the core of the game is not all that different from Pokemini. You create a character (Good news, there’s lots more options for you to pick from upon starting out).

More choices for starters in #pokecolo compared to #pokemini

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

You have a planet and room to decorate – But wait there’s more!! – Not only do you have one planet, but now you have THREE – these include a fishing / aquarium building mini game, and some type of minigame in which you give hearts and flowers and write messages to other players. You access these other planets by hitting the right arrow while viewing your home planet. Which brings you to this screen like so:

#pokecolo three planets

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

My planet so far newb to #pokecolo

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

My room so far newb to #pokecolo

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

So I dunno if any of you had trouble, but it took me the longest time to figure out how to place my items in my room, planet, or even how to dress myself. Here’s how to do it! Click on your avatar. Then click on the suitcase – Then click on either the dress, or the planet with paintbrush (must be on your planet for icon to appear) – If you go inside your room, then repeat these steps, click on your mini, then the suitcase then the icon that used to be the planet with paintbrush is now a table with a teddybear – clicking that takes you to the menu to place the items in your room!

Clockwise from top – Cook, Trade, dressup and decorate, travel, shop, fashion show, your profile #pokecolo #dressup #dressupgame #free #game #Japapnese #ios #android #kawaii

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

#pokecolo left to right: friends list and ranking, change face, dressup, decorate planet, book to view items and add to wish list

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

#pokecolo left to right: friends list and ranking, change face, dressup, decorate room, book to view items and add to wish list

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

Alright, so we’ll start by talking about the fishing mini game – You are given a pole and some free bait upon your first visit. you can level up to get better fishing gear. To fish you have to keep the fish in the middle of the white circle. once you catch a fish you can add him to your aquarium (red left button), do something I haven’t figured out/unlocked yet (grey button to right), or beneath both of those, exchange the fish/let it go for fish points – which I’m assuming can be used to get new items later on. Your tank is limited on how much room it can hold. You can add more fish above this limit by spending donuts. Also while viewing your tank you can sell/release fish and/or click a fish to create bait from it every few minutes. Fishing costs 1 heart, as you level, you gain more hearts. Hearts also replenish over time. As you level your fishing you unlock new planets to fish on with new fish and new challenges.

#pokecolo vs #pokemini – you can even go fishing and build an aquarium in #pokecolo

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

#pokecolo vs #pokemini – you can even go fishing and build an aquarium in #pokecolo

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

That about covers the fishy-wishies so let’s take a look at the message in the bottle island. The objective here is to write short messages like twitter tweets and reply to other users’ messages that wash up on your island. If you really like what a mini has to say, try leaving them a heart or flower. The flowers will grow on their island, and I believe the hearts are used to send different styles of bottles. Big tip: You can leave FREE flowers – look for flowers with a text next to the donut symbol instead of a number. Also as far as I can tell leaving hearts is always free. Tap the ink bottle with feather to write your own message. Tap the bottles floating by and hit the black downward arrow inside a message to reply to that user.

Here are some screenshots to help explain the above points better.

#pokecolo message in a bottle island

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

#pokecolo hit the flower icon to give someone a flower. Hit the heart icon to give someone a heart. Flowers will grow on their message in bottle island. Hearts are I think used for sending different bottles.

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

There are free flowers to send to players in #pokecolo look for flowers with text instead of numbers for donut fee

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

Like what another player wrote? Grade them 1 out of 4 hearts. Seems to be free to give hearts as far as I can tell #pokecolo

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

The other new feature are the cute pets which you can get – AND the pets have their own Gacha! So you can dressup your pets. You can have multiple pets as well.

#pokecolo is very #kawaii and better than #pokemini except it's in #Japapnese but you can get much #cuter items and even have #pets

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

You can also get your fortune told and test your compatibility with other users which I think may have some game complications such as increasing/decreasing donuts earned, energy refill rates, etc. To get here, click the horoscope sign of yourself or a mini you are visiting.

#pokecolo is very #kawaii and better than #pokemini except it's in #Japapnese but you can get much #cuter items and even have #pets there's also #fortunetelling

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

Some other features unique to Pokecolo include an “Old Man” shop with items coming in and out of stock at different times throughout the day. A scratch card mechanism that lets you get free or cheap limited time items. A trading system that lets you exchange your items with other players and bookmark items that you want via a wish list feature. A cotton candy machine that lets you combine duplicate items to create something new. and a market place which I haven’t used or figured out the details of just yet not to be confused with the trade function.

#pokecolo add items to your wish list and trade with other users

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

Other than that, it plays a lot like Pokemini – You add friends to your list (the pink button next to the green visit planet button will let you type up a friend request). You visit their planets, water their trees, slap their boards, and harvest their fruit. You cook to restore energy. You complete quests and level up. And most of all earn donuts to play the Gacha to get items to decorate your room, planet, and avatar.

#pokecolo #screenshot

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

These boots were made for walking – I can’t remember which is which, but each pair of shoes allows you to visit a different type of user: friends, recent visitors, and random users..

Visit friends, visit recent visitors, and visit random users in #pokecolo #dressup #dressupgame #free #game #Japapnese #ios #android #kawaii

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

One last note that may help you for completing quests. New quests are marked with the word “new” and completed quests have a small red chat bubble that appears over the quest giver’s head in the quest log (Q) on right hand of screen. You need to turn the quests in by clicking that red bubble. here is an example of a regular quest, a completed but not turned in quest, and a new quest to illustrate the points above:

Click the small red bubbles above quest givers’ heads seen here on second quest green frame middle screen – click red bubble left above head to turn in quests. These bubbles appear when you meet the conditions to complete the quests.

Click the small red bubbles above quest givers' heads seen here on second quest green frame middle screen – click red bubble left above head to turn in quests. These bubbles appear when you meet the conditions to complete the quests #pokecolo #dressup #dressupgame #free #game #Japapnese #ios #android #kawaii

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

6 thoughts on “Pokemini is Closing – Join Pokecolo – Guide for English Users

  1. Hi.. How do i buy donuts?? Cos wenever i go buy & press it this msg keeps coming up.. I have an iphone 5s so if u can pls tell me what 2 exactly press?? Thanx

    1. I don’t know :*( I don’t speak Japanese unfortunately – But Google Translate says that the screenshot that you emailed to me says the following:

      “購人 can not be (this [Koyuu). Parents ([grandson `Sha) (This confirmation
      (Ka丶Ku [Kon) to pokecolo.tumblr.com

      Goodluck! And thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. There’s a new PokeColo fansite for English users. You can ask questions and access guides from active players at pokecolo.boards.net

  3. Is there anyway the change the language… I finally door this game after 2 or 3 years and I can’t even play it…..

    1. Unfortunately Pokecolo is only in Japanese. Pokemini used to be the English version but it shut down. Thankfully you don’t really need to understand Japanese to enjoy the game, because there is not much of a story anyways.

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