Peach Girl Anime Review

This review was originally published on anime-planet. My username over there is Xenokitten. (You can find me here: Why not come say Hi! ? 🙂 is an awesome website that provides user generated recommendations and reviews to help you find the next anime you want to watch. For example, if you liked Chobits, you can go to the Chobits page on anime-planet and see other shows you might like, with an explanation of why the series are similar to eachother. It’s really nifty. I use this site all the time. Also you can watch the latest episodes of your favorite or hard to find anime on their site as well. But perhaps the coolest thing about anime-planet is it lets you generate a “Life spent on anime” tracker for forum signatures, or websites, etc. And you can track not only games, but also anime. Here’s my tracker (which happens to be a pic of Momo from Peach Girl):

xenokitten's anime, manga, recommendations, lists and more at Anime-Planet – anime | manga | watch anime online

And look what we have here, a review for Peach Girl (anime) (There’s also a Taiwanese Live Action series, I couldn’t get into it, despite liking Taiwanese and Korean Drama :*( — They changed too much from the original manga and anime. I dropped the Live Action after episode 2 lol.)

For this review, I’ve changed the scoring system a bit, from my original scores on anime-planet, to make characters and story more “weighted” compared to animation and sound which I feel are less important, especially given my target audience here on Geeky Sweetie. I’ve made story and characters both worth 10 points, and animation and sound both worth 5 points. This more accurately reflects my enjoyment of this series as a whole.

When converted to the scoring system used here on Geeky Sweetie this show receives a rating of 36/40 90% A- “Excellent Anime For Girls”

I wrote this review on April 22, 2015.

This is my favorite anime of all time (and I’ve watched over 220 completed series at time of this review’s writing) The reason why I love this anime so much is due to the character development and progression throughout the series. The characters are so well written and their dynamics are so intriguing. They make you feel very passionately, either strong like, or dislike, for each character.

This show has a lot of mature themes such as suicide, rape, depression, bullying, etc. This really sets it apart from any other shoujo I’ve ever watched. The characters feel more alive and real because of their flaws.

I also love how every single episode ends on a huge cliff-hanger. It keeps you watching more and more. AND it keeps you guessing. It’s not until the VERY final episode when Momo FINALLY decides which of the two men she really loves/wants to be with. Throughout the whole series she is pingponging back and forth between them, and the way in which she decides at the end is so dramatic and heart-racing.

Kyrie is pretty much one of the best anime characters I’ve EVER seen. He loves Momo so much that he sacrifices his OWN feelings (and happiness) to do anything to make her happy. He tries to help her repair her relationship with Touji time and time again, and helps her try to clear her reputation at school.

But Momo is conflicted because Touji was her first love, and they’ve been through so much together.

And meanwhile, Sae is pretty much the “worst” character ever (although that is the intention here), I’ve never felt such feelings of RAGE towards a fictional character before or again in any other anime. She just feels SO REAL. I know so many women, superficial, like this, nice to your face, then backstab you EVERY chance they get.

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I could relate to almost every single character and circumstance in this show! It touches me deeply and the tension/drama and NOT KNOWING who she will pick ultimately, really keeps the show interesting from complete start to end.

It’s a story about young/first love, friendship, and “coming of age”. A story very real and relateable for many women in this world who have experienced love, bullying, pain, hurt, and eventually have grown through all of it, to be incredible strong independent women. I love this story and the characters.

10/10 for story and 10/10 for characters.

Animation is old. I know most people on this site don’t like older series. And I’ll admit the character designs look weird too, 3/5 Animation

Sound, was just alright, both in terms of music and voice acting, nothing too remarkable, 3/5 here.

10/10 overall for having such a dramatic intense and moving story with such a delightful (or hateful) cast of characters.

10/10 story
3/5 animation
3/5 sound
10/10 characters
10/10 overall

When converted to our traditional scoring system on Geeky Sweetie it results in a rating of

36/40 90% A- “Excellent Anime For Girls”

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