
I must appologize if you received our weekly email numerous times today. I use a plugin called “MailPoet” to send the emails for me – I don’t know what happened as I’ve been using it for a few months now without any problem, but today I got our email from my website at least 5 times.

I took a look at the plugin to see what was going on – and I saw about 7 more “sending” or “waiting to send” which I of course promptly deleted.

I’m really sorry that this happened. I take spam very seriously and just want you to know that you can also always unsubscribe by hitting the link at the bottom of the email.

I’m going to leave it “in play” right now, but if the error occurs again next week, MailPoet will be gone and I’ll have to use Mailchimp or similar services.

I’m also going to contact MailPoet and seek advice on fixing the issue or see if anyone else is experiencing this.

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