Why Is League Of Legends a Popular Esports Game? Is It Worth Betting On?

Why Is League Of Legends a Popular Esports Game? Is It Worth Betting On?

You can watch LoL matches on streams, you can play it for free and you can even bet on tournament matches here: gg.bet/en/. You can do everything you can think of because most of these activities are free.

How LoL Became so Popular in the Esports Gaming World?

The answer is simple. Riot, the game developer, released a MOBA-style game that is free to play a couple of years ago. It wasn’t something new, but the quality of the game and the complexity that it offered combined with the free to play feature made it popular around the world.

The thing was that everybody had access to this game, even students or children who didn’t have enough money to buy a triple A game or afford a monthly subscription.

But the game comes with another interesting system: you can buy skins and champions with real money, or you can buy champions by grinding. That way, the only thing that sets you apart from another player is the skill level.

Talking about skill levels, when the game was released, the gaming world already knew that this would be a DOTA killer, but it actually rivaled DOTA 2. Even in the upcoming tournaments, LoL had a bigger impact in the Esports gaming world and on Esports betting.

Teams from all over the world gathered to fight each other to win the pool prizes worth of millions of dollars. The streaming services were all pointed at LoL tournaments and for a good reason. Millions of viewers were visiting the streaming services, and millions of players were cheering all over the globe.

Should I Invest My Time and Money in Betting on Lol Matches?

League of Legends

The answer is: yes, absolutely! League of Legends has improved over the years and gathered a cult following. There are many players and fans, but there are also many gamblers and betting sites that are focused only on League of Legends matches and tournaments. You can now bet on these tournaments at https://www.rivalry.gg/matches/league-of-legends-betting.

With over twenty League of Legends teams competing in a complex MOBA game, you bet on whichever you want and how you want. League of Legends matches are long, but the betting rewards are significant.

Moreover, the Esports betting sites improved a lot in the last couple of years. They offer a better service, a better user interface, real-time matches you can bet on, real-time streaming service and user chats. They are 100% legal, and if you can play your cards right, you can earn enough to buy all the skins in the game.

All you need to do is have the necessary knowledge on how a match takes place. From there, you can calculate the win/loss ratio and take the necessary decisions.

If you are a die-hard LoL fan, you can visit a betting site and try your luck. Just select the League of Legends icon so you can start betting right away. Counter Strike fans are not left apart. They can start betting on http://www.gg.bet/en/counter-strike.

4 thoughts on “Why Is League Of Legends a Popular Esports Game? Is It Worth Betting On?

    1. Hi thanks for stopping by my blog! That is a good point. I was only thinking from the perspective of my US readers. Thanks for pointing that out! 🙂 Have a great day.

  1. I’m not the type of guy to bet, but some of my friends do it and it is worth it. League is still growing after all these years, and I don’t see an end to it. It’s like betting on Sports. So yeah I’d say it’s worth it but you need to be careful.

  2. i have watched this i dont know how much and i just fall in love with xayah and rakan more each time. Still better love story than twilight.

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