How to Play CS:GO Like a Pro

How to Play CS:GO Like A Pro

Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) is one of the most popular FPS games in the world, and one of the most competitive online shooters out there. Part of the attraction of CS:GO, other than the fantastic gameplay, is that it is a game that is relatively easy to get the hang of. However, if you want to master this title and become a valuable addition to any team, you will need to embrace a strong strategy.

The following tips will help any CS:GO player, regardless of skill or experience, to take their game to the next level.

Aim for the Head

CS:GO uses dynamic hitboxes, meaning that the area of the opponent’s body where your bullets hit will have an impact on how much damage they do. If you aim for the legs, you won’t do much damage and you’ll need to score many more hits to get a kill. On the other hand, aiming for the head will get you an instant kill (assuming they don’t have a helmet on).

Dummy Defusing

When you begin defusing the bomb as a member of the counterterrorist team, it will make a distinctive noise. A common tactic for the terrorists to use is to plant the bomb and then hide nearby, ready to defend it from the opposing team. Often, if they aren’t simply maintaining line of sight to the bomb itself, the counterterrorist team will wait nearby and listen out for the sound of the bomb being defused. To counteract this, tap E near to the bomb in order to make the defusing noise, then use Shift + Walk to reposition yourself should an enemy peek out to shoot you.

The Ten Bullet Rule

If you are holding down the fire button and haven’t scored a kill after 10 shots, stop firing and take cover. This will give your recoil time to settle, meaning that you can begin shooting again with maximum accuracy. As a general rule, you should aim to fire in short bursts, or even using single bullets at a time, to ensure you maintain accuracy as long as possible.

Be a Team Player

The best CS:GO players aren’t just great players on their own, they are the ones who remain aware that they are playing a team game. If you want to be one of the best, you need to always be playing as part of your team, not just for your own benefit. When a teammate is firing around a corner, for example, don’t stand so close to them that they can’t retreat around the corner again. Similarly, if your teammate is about to rush into a firefight, send a flash grenade in ahead of them.

Taking Shortcuts

If you are really struggling with your CS:GO game, you can turn to a website like TKO-Hacks for cheats and hacks that will make playing much easier.

CS:GO is one of the most popular competitive online shooters in the world. Enjoyed by millions, it is only a relatively small portion who have developed the skills necessary to truly consider themselves masters of the game. The above tips will help you to join their exclusive ranks.

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