See what’s new on the forums!
Our forums were a sad, lonely place with over 50,000 spam bots.
That’s no longer the case! In an effort to crush the evil spam bots, some user accounts may have also been slain. If this happened to you, please re-register on the forums and join us <3.
The biggest change is we’ve migrated from phpbb to mybb. As such some features and content were not carried over, you can check the forums in the Site Updates section to get more info.
I’m looking for a few moderators too! If you’re interested just drop me a private message on the forum. I have nothing to offer, but if you like anime and games and want to help build a new online community, it may be fun, right?
We’ve added some “bots” of our own too which are pulling news and content (excerpts) from leading authorities in anime, gaming, tech, toys, Japanese culture, Kdramas, Kpop, and more. These bots are going to help keep the site active, and provide relevant news content to help give the community a more lively feel. These bots are your friends! Feel free to reply to any threads they create.
One such bot that we’ve added will pull news from our blog/front page here too So you can stay notified of new posts. Yay!
Hope to see you over on the forums <3 much love!