Ecco The Dolphin – Retro Game Review

Something a lil bit different today. RPGs and Mobile games are all well and good – but sometimes you just want something different right?

Sometimes you just want to be a dolphin and fly through the air doing barrel rolls and back flips while solving puzzles and eating fish. For that, I recommend Ecco the Dolphin.

Ecco made his first appearance on Sega Genesis. The title was a huge success and spawned many sequels and spin offs including Ecco JR, Ecco 2 – The Tides of Time, and Echo Defender of the Future. There was also another Dreamcast version in the works which never saw the light of day before Dreamcast’s untimely demise. There are also handheld versions, Sega CD versions, Playstation 2 versions, and a PC and Xbox port of the original game.

Title: Ecco The Dolphin

Genre: Platformer / Adventure / Mascot game

Platform: Originally Published On Sega Genesis but now available on PC

Publisher: Sega

Release Date: 1992

Where to Buy: $2.99 for the PC Version from Amazon They also have the original Genesis version with prices ranging from $1.99 to $69.99 for condition of the cartridge, box, manuals, etc which raise the collector’s value.

Geeky: 3/5 

Sweetie: 3/5 

Overall: 57 / 80 71% C- “Good Game for Girls”

Concept: 8/10 Ecco is a young dolphin who lives a carefree life with his family and friends in a small bay until one day a friend challenges him to a dare to see how high he can jump in the sky. Ecco jumps so high that he causes a sea storm which causes all of his friends and family to be sucked up into the sky. Now Ecco must search for clues to help save his home. To do so, he will solve puzzles, swim at high speeds, and perform aerial stunts and tricks to get across obstacles blocking his path. There will be enemies he must face, as well as new friends along the way.

Gameplay: 10/10 As mentioned above, you must solve puzzles and / or clear obstacles by jumping, flipping, skipping, flopping, or flying across them. There are glyphs in certain areas which hold clues for you to get to the next area and also provide some story and context. You need to eat fish, watch your oxygen level, and defeat enemies while exploring the underwater environment. You can also use sonar to communicate with friendly creatures or obtain a map of the area. In the end, the appeal in the gameplay comes in the form of numerous puzzles and the fun of performing aerial maneuvers or darting through the sea.

Story: 6/10 The story is presented through solving puzzles and tied closely in with the game mechanics. Some terms and game mechanics are actually true to life of the behavior of real dolphins which shows that ample research went into developing these title, as well as a good deal of imagination and fantasy elements as well. Overall, while the story is good, and does entertain, it’s mostly a solitary journey through sea and space with an emphasis on puzzle solving and immersion. Story takes a back seat to the fast, and more action oriented gameplay mechanics.

Characters: 6/10 As mentioned above, for most of this journey you are alone. Remember that cyclone that sucked up all your friends? You do occasionally come across NPCs to interact with, but it’s clearly not the focus of this series. Since most of the “characters” are Glyphs – this makes them highly impersonal and not very memorable.  But Ecco himself is a very interesting character – I don’t know of any other games in which you play as a dolphin.

Graphics: 8/10 Although dated by today’s standards, Ecco had some truly beautiful graphics for its time. The graphics really made it feel as if you were exploring a lonely, tranquil, and somewhat oppressive feeling ocean. Throughout the evolution of this series, Ecco has always pushed the limits of whatever console hardware he had available at the time. This is most evident in the dreamcast version which features extremely realistic looking character models.

Music: 8/10 The music and sound effects in Ecco also fit well with the atmosphere and mystery of the game and help build immersion.

Replay Value: 5/10 – While its a linear game, its novelty and unique gameplay, characters, and setting, make it a memorable and enjoyable experience that will be worth revisiting to play multiple times. There’s really no other similar games out there which means if you want to play a similar game you’ll have to replay the few available Ecco games over and over. However, once knowing how to solve the puzzles and ins and outs of the story, it does take a little bit of the mystery and fun away for the next play through.

Overall: 57 / 80 71% C- “Good Game for Girls”

2 thoughts on “Ecco The Dolphin – Retro Game Review

    1. There are boys who play all of the games on my site as well.
      But my website looks at different scoring categories. While most websites are scoring games on graphics and gameplay, that is only one small part of what i look at when I review games.
      That is why a game on my site is rated on how likely a girl would be to enjoy the game or not.
      (most) Girls value different things in games than (most) guys.
      Primarily girls want a game with a good story, cute graphics, emotional connection to the characters, and primarily guys just want a fast paced action game that helps them to relieve stress. (most) guys want the latest photo-realistic 3D graphics and cutting edge technology, and (most) girls prefer “kawaii” “cute” 2D cartoon or “anime” style graphics. (most) guys don’t care about the story in a game, many even skip through all the text of a game, or get too bored if a game has too much text and too little gameplay. While (most) girls won’t play a game unless it has a great story.
      Again this is generalizations, there are exceptions to everything. PLENTY of men play role playing, or even otome games, or visual novels, and PLENTY of girls likewise play first person shooters or action games too.
      My site focuses on the types of games I grew up playing, Ecco being one of them, and the types of games I still play to this day. I have been playing games for over 30 years. I have a good understanding of what I like and what I assume the majority of other girl gamers also like. But again I do not speak for every girl. I merely offer suggestions and reviews based on over 3 decades of experience and want to share my love for these types of “girly” games with my readers.

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