I just started playing Birdie Crush a few weeks ago. It has a lot going for it. First of all it has an awesome opening song that I absolutely adore. Secondly it has cute anime graphics with various costumes and equipment to collect that make it in part at least a Dressup game. Thirdly, even people that don’t like anime, like birdie crush for the golf gameplay such as my fiancé – finally found a cute game he will play with me lol .

Well what is there to say about birdie crush that hasn’t already been said? Lol. It’s a golf game. It’s free and available on both iPhone and android mobile devices. It has cute anime graphics and rare event items and costumes.

There’s some skill involved in the gameplay which makes it fun and challenging. There’s also different types of gameplay from solo to playing friends to limited time events, season tournaments, and more.

I like birdie crush golf a lot but there’s some room for improvement such as more playable characters and more Dressup items. But it’s a new game so I suspect we may see both those things in the future.

Check out birdie crush golf and let me know your thoughts!
Overall: 63/80 79% C+ Very Good Game For Girls

Geeky: 5/5 – cute 3D colorful and detailed graphics, great music, and challenging gameplay with lots of different gameplay modes
Sweetie: 5/5 Anime graphics, Dressup items, rockin anime theme song, cute characters, fun gameplay

Graphics: 8/10 – really nice 3D graphics in an anime style. Deducted a few points because could use a few more playable characters and costumes.
Gameplay: 8/10 has a little lag but offers a lot of surprisingly fun and challenging gameplay with lots of events and modes and tournaments and crafting and upgrading gear and the whole costume Dressup thing yeah it has plenty to do. Really enjoy the gameplay here. Deduct some points for lag issues.

Story: 5/10 honestly I just skip the story in this one. It’s okay but I just want to play the game. I have other games whose story I would want to read. This one isn’t terrible but not great either.
Characters: 8/10 so cute! Only one boy though! And only four characters total. Give us more characters please!

Music: 10/10 honestly I love this music !!!
Voice Acting: 4/10 – Korean voice overs are good but the lil sound effects like yawns and clearing throat get super repetitive and downright annoying. It’d be okay if it happened less frequently lol.

Replay value: 10/10 always new events and limited items to get. Fun times.
Overall: 63/80 79% C+ Very Good Game For Girls