5 Geek Websites To Check During the Lockdown

Countries around the world are implementing lockdowns to slow the spread of the coronavirus. While different places have varying levels of restrictions and set of rules, a lockdown generally means people will have no choice but to spend a lot of time in their homes. As a third of the global population is currently on community quarantine or lockdown, many people are looking for different ways to keep them occupied.

Many see this as an excellent opportunity to spend quality time with families, start a hobby, binge watch TV series, or learn to play an instrument. Fortunately for Anime Geeks, there are plenty of anime websites to visit, such as anime social media hubs, gaming sites, and online otaku shops. Browsing through these websites or engaging in anime fan communities should provide enough activities for anime geeks to prevent boredom.  


Otaku Fantasy is an ever-growing anime website and tech geek blog that provides all sorts of content thick with useful information. The blog is being run by someone known as “Senpai King.” From the name itself, the blog focuses on content related to everything that is anime and the otaku niche. Additionally, Senpai King is outspoken with his favorite anime being Hunter x Hunter, so expect several materials would pertain to the anime series. 

The site is rich with diverse content for the otaku from anime related articles, product reviews, and trends on otaku merchandise to the latest news for anime and manga fans. What’s more, is that the site also publishes amazing anime fanfictions and accepts guest fanfictions too. Aside from the anime related content, the site publishes reliable gadget reviews.

Reading articles and all sorts of content are undeniably one of the best ways to pass the time during the lockdown. Not only does it help geeks overcome boredom, but it also allows you to learn something new with every article you read.  

Japan Crate

Whoever thought that you could experience a country’s culture without leaving the comfort of your home, Japancrate.com is a website that offers a monthly subscription that sends subscribers snacks and other goodies. The best part is that Japancrate team ships internationally so, almost anyone from anywhere can subscribe.

Japan is known for having the most exciting goodies as they have flavor combinations that defy reason and cuteness that is off the charts. Aside from snacks, the company offers several crate choices with all sorts of stuff, such as beauty products, household items, and magazines. These items will undoubtedly bring joy to anime geeks everywhere amidst the isolation. 

The process is surprisingly simple. Sign up with your name address and payment details and sit tight. The company then packs your box with an assortment of all kinds of things to surprise you. One the package arrives, the next step is to indulge in the “kawaii” goodies from Japan. 


Kongregate is a great site to pass the time while on lockdown. Anime Geeks should find plenty of games under the anime tag, including popular ones that allow you to create your own anime character. However, the site features a plethora of games with more than 30 genres to choose from, so there is something for everyone. 

It is a community-based website that allows game developers to upload their creations for other people to play them. While most of the games are flash-based, there are some that use unity, which is a software platform designed to create 3D games. The site is generally free, although there’s a paid option that gives you perks and advantages over those who play without paying out. 

There are plenty of perks on the site, including achievement systems, which is perfect for competitive players who like to make goals. The site features player incentives such as badges and achievements cards you earn from playing. Moreover, the most exciting things about the paid version are the contests and sweepstakes feature. 

Perhaps the only downside to the site is in its built-in social tools which are filled with trolls and juveniles. On the bright side, most of the problems and abuses that you reported are taken care of promptly.


Animate is one of the largest, legitimate Japanese anime retailers. They have over a hundred physical stores, and almost everything available in their stores is up for sale on their online shop. They virtually have everything that is anime, such as figures, jewelry, clothing, and DVDs. They also sell a lot of exclusive products that you can only find at Animate Stores, so the site is definitely one place to check out. 

One of the best things about the site is that they have an auto-translate button. You can click on the button to have the webpage translated to many different languages, including English, German, Chinese, etc.

The downside is that Animate Japan does not ship internationally. While they do have an international site that they opened in 2017, it has a more limited selection as compared to the Japan site. It does not have the same massive selection of anime and manga merchandise, with new releases included. Fortunately, there are plenty of proxy sites that provide the service of purchasing the merchandise and having it shipped to you. 

Animesuki Forums

The internet is full of communities and opinion sharing forums. Anime is evidently one of those topics that stir up the most discussions considering the massive fan base. There is just plenty to discuss involving hero favorites, story plots, and even philosophies.

When it comes to Anime forums, Animesuki offers a straightforward approach. Upon landing on their homepage, it is not difficult to notice how organized the forum is. You will find a list of anime categorized neatly depending on their status or age, making it surprisingly easy to find a topic you want to talk about.

Furthermore, the site has been around for a while now, which means you are most likely to encounter a lot of seasoned veterans. This makes the discussions more interesting, and the facts exceedingly reliable.

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