Watch Puppy and Kitten Bowl 2015 Online

Kitten Bowl 2015
Kitten Bowl 2015

Did you watch the puppy or kitten bowls? If not you can find them online to watch

Kittens here:

Puppies here:

Zookeeper Battle VS Free Ipad Game Like Tetris But With Cute Animals

First a “State-of-the-geek” message (Skip this message by scrolling past the top 3 paragraphs).

Zookeeper vs iPad game

A photo posted by jenilee (@xenokitten) on

Been a lonnnng time since I’ve posted anything for you guys. So here is a review of one of my favorite Ipad Games (plus hey it’s free, so you should really check it out!)

First, I’m still alive, and still geeky and passionate about all things geeky, kawaii, or otherwise known as awesome. I work a full 40+ hour work week, as a web developer / graphic artist / catchall for web/graphic/print/advertising/marketing lol. So I often don’t feel too inspired to work on my many “personal” (fun / hobby) websites. This one here ( ), , and my newest one I do not profit on anything that I write. I do have ad revenue, but not even enough to cover the costs of running and maintaining the servers and domain names of all the sites, let alone the time and energy and effort into maintaining them. So I apologize if updates are slow. If you’re actually reading this, thank you 🙂 If you’d like to chat sometime about games or anime or technology or anything else, please feel free to drop me a line. I love making new geeky friends. 🙂 Also I hope to go to Colosocon in Sandusky OH this spring. Anyone else going? ^^ I am super shy, and need friends :). read more

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