Replay FX Retro Gaming Convention Pittsburgh PA

Replay FX - Pittsburgh PA
Replay FX – Pittsburgh PA

I attended Replay FX, a retro gaming convention in Pittsburgh PA. I really enjoyed my time there, and definitely plan to return next year as well. The convention includes hundreds of arcade games, console games, and board games. All of the electronic games are from the 80s-90s with no modern games in sight so it’s definitely aimed at Retro gamers.

They had tournaments for Dr Mario, Tecmo Bowl, and Smash Brothers, to name a few. They also had a cosplay competition. There are large cash prizes for all of the competitions. We didn’t enter any competitions this time, but I did cosplay, just for fun. I brought out my Love Live School Idol Festival Kotori Cosplay Costume again – I’ve been wearing it a lot lately, and also plan to wear it again soon for Animu at the Zoo also in Pittsburgh, PA. read more

What Are Some Of The Best Nerd Dating Websites?

What Are Some Of The Best Nerd Dating Websites?

There’s nothing to be ashamed about loving comic books, video games and reading books. People should have more broad interests other than browsing Instagram and getting hyped up about likes. Reading books enriches your vocabulary and lets your mind wander into the imagination of different authors. Click on the link to find out more details

Moreover, playing video games lets you appreciate the gorgeous graphics and storylines of their creators. And reading comic books makes you enter the mind of some of the most famous superheroes. Therefore, none of these hobbies is lame and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.  read more

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