Hook’s character is totally wrong in new PAN movie

Over the weekend, I went to the movies with my grandma. We saw PAN, a supposed origins story for Peter Pan (and other characters such as Sme and Hook.). The movie was just “okay.” I thought Blackbeard was really well cast. I have terrible facial recognition so I didn’t realize until later that it was Hugh Jackman from Xmen Wolverine fame. Blackbeard was really super funny (and a little bit creepy) and on point. The music in the film was awesome – Nirvana Smells Like Teen Spirit in a children’s film?! And seeing Hugh Jackman singing the song was outrageously funny too. We happened to be the only two people in the theater so I was singing along also. And the special effects were superb. Similar in scope to the effects found in movies such as Avatar. It had great cinnematics… but suffered from terrible casting (aside from Blackbeard) AND terrible writing. read more

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